
Status of Sediment Quality in the St. Johns River Water Management District: Physical and Chemical Characteristics. Revised.

The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) comprises approximately 12,000 square miles in northeastern Florida, or about 21 percent of the state's total area. The SJRWMD includes all or parts of 19 counties. The region comprises several major urban centers; numerous smaller cities, towns, and residential developments; and large tracts of rural land in agriculture and forestry. Nine percent of the SJRWMD's area is water. The SJRWMD has a population of approximately 3.2 million (1990 census), or 25 percent of the state's total. The SJRWMD's population has grown rapidly in recent decades and is expected to continue growing at a comparable rate in the future. The population is projected to reach over 4.5 million by the year 2010. The most prevalent economic activities within the SJRWMD are tourism, agriculture, forestry, and paper manufacturing. The SJRWMD contains about one-third of the state's citrus acreage and produces 10% percent of Florida's fresh winter vegetables. Half of the state's pulp mills are located in the SJRWMD. Many regional economies depend on the SJRWMD's water resources. A generalized land use distribution is shown in Figure 1-1.

Publisher - St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)

Subjects - Sediment, River

Citation: Durell GS, Seavey JA, Hunt CD. 1998. Status of Sediment Quality in the St. Johns River Water Management District: Physical and Chemical Characteristics. Revised. Palatka (FL): St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD); Contract No. 95J169. 250 pp