
Economic Benefits of Natural Land Conservation: Case Study in Northeast Florida

Florida’s economy increasingly is being recognized as tied to and based on both its human created andnatural amenities. Annually, more than 70 million visitors are drawn to its theme parks, beaches, rivers andlakes, parks and to its landscape in general. Other people are drawn to Florida as their homes. The growth invisitors and residents and their activities has induced a form of economy quite different than what has existed inother parts of the United States. Quality of life and amenities play key roles in this new form of economy.

Publisher - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS)

Subjects - Conservation; Tourism

Citation: Kiker CF, Hodges AW. 2002. Economic Benefits of Natural Land Conservation: Case Study in Northeast Florida. Gainesville (FL): University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), Department Food and Resource Economics. 75 pp