Rainfall Analysis of Northeast Florida. Part III: Seasonal Rainfall Data
Rainfall data is an essential element of basic data input tomany hydrologic and engineering studies. Peak rainfall data areused in designing stormwater management systems and in determiningthe flooding potential of various frequency storm events. Daily orhourly data are required in continuous hydrologic simulation procedures.Monthly and seasonal rainfall data are used in determiningsupplementary irrigation water requirements, and in engineeringstudies related to storage analyses, water supply, and reservoirmanagement.
Publisher - St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)
Subjects - Weather, Rain
Citation: Rao DV, Jenab SA, Clapp DA. 1989. Rainfall Analysis of Northeast Florida. Part III: Seasonal Rainfall Data. Palatka (FL): St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD); Technical Publication SJ 89-1. 120 pp http://www.sjrwmd.com/technicalreports/pdfs/TP/SJ89-1.pdf