
A Description of East-Florida, with a Journal kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, Botanist to his Majesty for the Floridas; Upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the river St. John's as far as the Lakes. With Explanatory Botanical Notes.

For the APS, the value of William Stork's Description of East-Florida lies as much in containing the first appearance in print of the journal of John Bartram (1699-1777) as it does in the quality of Stork's prose. Born in Marple, Pennsylvania, John Bartram was raised a Quaker, and while he dissented from the Friends' pacifism and theology, he was deeply influenced by their world view and used Quaker religious connections to further his career. ...

Publisher - Nicoll and Jeffries

Subjects - History, St. Johns River

Citation: Stork W. 1769. A Description of East-Florida, with a Journal kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia, Botanist to his Majesty for the Floridas; Upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the river St. John's as far as the Lakes. With Explanatory Botanical Notes. London (England): Nicoll and Jefferies. 40 p