Journal Article

The Scope and Chief Problems of Regional Limnology

Of recent years a new mode of thought has been more and more introduced into limnology. It is founded upon the production-biological (83, 147-148) principles of Regional Limnology (91,98). This regional limnology was first more closely understood as a result of extensive investigations of Swedish waters (31, 981, being then however further extended in range in several countries, notably those of Northern and Eastern Europe. On the basis of the present literature a summary of the scope and principal problems of regional limnology will here be given to elucidate the present position of this new line of inquiry, to which a few suggestions for its further advancement will then be added).

Publisher - Wiley Interscience

Subjects - Limnology

Citation: Naumann E. 1929. The Scope and Chief Problems of Regional Limnology. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol.; 22(1):423-444