
Scientific Fundamentals of the Eutrophication of Lakes and Flowing Waters, with Particular Reference to Nitrogen and Phosphorus as Factors in Eutrophication

At an ad hoc meeting on the problems of eutrophication ininland bodies of water, held at the O.E.C.D. headquarters in Parison 16th and 17th February, 1966; and attended by a group of experts with Professor 0. Jaag (E.A.W.A.G., Zurich) as Chairman,the author was instructed to gather together and study theexisting literature on eutrophication and to report particularlyon the current status of work concerned with the part played byphosphorus and nitrogen in the process of eutrophication.

Publisher - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Subjects - Eutrophication; Chemical, Nitrogen; Chemical, Phosphorus; Chemical, Nutrients

Collection: Section 2: Water Quality (2012)

Citation: Vollenweider RA. 1968. Scientific Fundamentals of the Eutrophication of Lakes and Flowing Waters, with Particular Reference to Nitrogen and Phosphorus as Factors in Eutrophication. Paris (France): Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); DAS/SCI/68.27. 192 pp.