
Environmental Health Criteria No 118: Inorganic Mercury

A WHO Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria forInorganic Mercury met in Bologna, Italy, at the CountyCouncil Headquarters (Provincia) from 25 to 30 September1989. The meeting was sponsored by the Italian Ministryof the Environment and organized locally by the Instituteof Oncology and Environmental Sciences with the assistanceof the County Council. Professor C. Maltoni, Director ofthe Bologna Institute of Oncology, opened the meeting andwelcomed the participants on behalf of the host insti-tution. Mr A. Vecchi, Dr M. Moruzzi, and Dr A. Lolli, wel-comed the participants on behalf of the local authorities.Dr A. Mochi, Centro Italiano Studi e Indagini, greeted theparticipants on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment,and Dr D. Kello, WHO Regional Office for Europe, addressedthe meeting on behalf of the cooperating organizations ofthe IPCS (ILO/UNEP/WHO).

Publisher - World Health Organization (WHO)

Subjects - Chemical, Mercury

Citation: WHO. 1991. Environmental Health Criteria No 118: Inorganic Mercury. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization (WHO).