Journal Article

Fishes of the St. Johns River, Florida

The St. Johns River watershed has an area of approximately8,350 square miles. The headwaters are about 50 miles north ofLake Okeechobee and 15 miles inland from Florida's east coast.From there, the river flows northward 260 miles to the vicinity ofJacksonville, and then swings eastward for about 25 miles beforeemptying into the Atlantic Ocean. Tidal influence extends as farupstream as Lake George, 115 miles above the mouth. Salinityvaries greatly in the lower reaches, but south of Jacksonville it isnormally less than than 1 0/00

Publisher - Florida Academy of Sciences (FAS)

Subjects - Fish

Citation: Tagatz ME. 1968. Fishes of the St. Johns River, Florida. Quart. Jour. Florida Acad. Sci.; 30(1):25-50