
The Distribution of Potentially Toxic Cyanobacteria in Florida

The cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are the oldest group of algae on earth, dating back over 3 billion years, and are still one of the most widespread and abundant forms of photosynthetic organisms. The fact that a number of species in the group not only form blooms but also produce powerful toxins, places them into a position of particular human interest and concern. This concern is particularly acute in Florida, which is exceptionally blessed with an abundance of aquatic natural resources.

Publisher - Mote Marine Laboratory

Subjects - Cyanobacteria; Toxicity

Citation: Phlips EJ, Bledsoe E, Cichra M, Badylak S, Frost J. 2002. The Distribution of Potentially Toxic Cyanobacteria in Florida. In: Johnson D, Harbison RD, editors. Proceedings of Health Effects of Exposure to Cyanobacteria Toxins: State of the Science. Sarasota (FL): Mote Marine Laboratory. p 22-36.