
Permethrin. Environmental Health Criteria; 94

Permethrin was first synthesized in 1973 and marketed in 1977 as aphotostable pyrethroid. It is an ester of the dichloro analogue ofchrysanthemic acid, 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-carb-oxylic acid (Cl2CA), and 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol. Technical productsare a mixture of four stereoisomers with the configurations [1R,trans],[1R,cis], [1S,trans], and [1S,cis] in the approximate ratio of 3:2:3:2.The ratio of cis:trans is around 2:3 and 1R:1S is 1:1 (racemic). The[1R,cis] isomer is the most insecticidally active of the isomers,followed by the [1R,trans] isomer.

Publisher - World Health Organization (WHO)

Subjects - Chemical, Permethrin

Citation: Miyamoto J, Matsuo M. 1990. Permethrin. Environmental Health Criteria; 94. Geneva (Switzerland): United Nations Environment Program, World Health Organization.