Book Chapter

Macrobenthic Succession in Relation to Organic Enrichment and Pollution of The Marine Environment

The most universal of environmental disturbances which may be looselytermed 'marine pollution' and perhaps the best documented is that of theorganic 'enrichment' of marine waters. The aim of this review is to establishthe present state of our knowledge of changes in benthic communities broughtabout by such enrichment. Variation in the organic input to any area, whetherfrom natural or artificial causes, results in changes in a complex of otherchemical, physical, and biological factors which in turn have direct and indirect effects on the fauna present. ...

Publisher - CRC Press

Subjects - Benthic Colonization; Pollution; Water, Marine

Citation: Pearson TH, Rosenberg R. 1978. Oceanography and Marine Biology. An Annual Review. Volume 16. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. Macrobenthic Succession in Relation to Organic Enrichment and Pollution of The Marine Environment. p 229-311.