2013 Five-Year Assessment Report
The TMDLs for the main stem of the Lower St. Johns River (LSJR) Basin were adopted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in June 2008. The TMDLs target total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in the freshwater reach to achieve reductions in the chlorophyll-a levels in this portion of the river. In addition, a TN TMDL was established in the marine reach to meet dissolved oxygen (DO) levels that would be protective of aquatic life uses. ...
Publisher - Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Subjects - Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP)
Collection: Section 2: Water Quality (2014)
Citation: DEP. 2014. 2013 Five-Year Assessment Report. Tallahassee (FL): Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration, Bureau of Watershed Management. 132 pp http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/watersheds/docs/bmap/lsjr-bmap-FiveYearProgressReport-2013.pdf